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Swiss Cheese Plant with Moss Pole

Monstera Pertusum is similar to Monstera Deliciosa but is a real climber and comes with a moss pole to support. More commonly known as a Swiss Cheeseplant or Split leaf...

Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera Deliciosa, more commonly known as a Swiss Cheeseplant or Split leaf philodendrum, is an attractive and easy to grow houseplant known for its eye catching leathery and glossy heart...
From £13.95

Kentia Palm

Howea forsteriana, more commonly known as the Kentia palm originates from the tropical islands of the South Pacific. It consists of two to five palms planted together giving the appearance...
From £50.95

Alocasia (Zebrina)

Alocasia zebrina owes its name to the unique and eye-catching yellow and black zebra print markings found on its stems that contrast with its lush green leaves These tropical plants...
From £34.95

String of Pearls

Senecio rowleyanus is an intriguing house plant that is also know as String of pearls or String of Beads due to its cascading pea-like beads. The trailing string although they...
From £10.95

Butterfly Palm

Dypsis Lutescens, more commonly known as the Areca palm was once an endangered species and originates from Madagascar. The palms have smooth sometimes golden stems from which arching graceful fronds...
From £12.95

Snake Plant (Laurentii)

The snake plant is one of the most hardy and unkillable species of housepant and positively thrive on neglect. Native to Western Africa, the plant has sword like leaves that...
From £20.95

Bird of Paradise (Nicolai)

Strelitzia Reginae or the Bird of Paradise plants has arching emerald banana like leaves to bring the jungle into your home. These are slow growing plants, so buy them as...
From £34.99

Weeping Fig Tree (Ficus Anastasia)

Ficus benjamina 'Anastasia' is also known as a weeping fig, is one of the most popular house plants or trees available. Native to Australia and Asia this beautiful ornamental tree...
From £19.95

ZZ Plant (Fern Arum)

Zamioculcas zamiifolia is also known as the ZZ plant. Also called a fern arum, this is one of the easiest house plants to look after! What's more, it has attractive,...
From £20.95

Echeveria (Lilacina)

Echeveria lilacina is one of the most beautiful of the species. It is a very striking succulent being nearly white with lilac tones earning it the common name 'ghost Echeveria'....
From £4.99

Euphorbia Trigona Rubra

Euphorbia Trigona or the African Milk tree has a beautiful green and purple stem that grow leaves from it ribs. Each of its upright stems has 3 sides with thorns...
From £7.95

Indian Laurel (Moclame)

Ficus microcarpa moclame or the Indian laurel tree is an attractive houseplant with small deep green leaves that have a slightly leathery texture.
From £16.95

Delta Maidenhair Fern

These delicately laced plants with their shiny black stems and gracefully drooping fronds are very elegant and will look beautiful in any room. They naturally grow near streams and waterfalls...
From £6.95
Dragon Tree (Jade Jewel Twin Stem) Dragon Tree (Jade Jewel Twin Stem)

Dragon Tree (Jade Jewel Twin Stem)

Dracaena Marginata, more commonly known as a dragon tree, is an attractive plant with long, slender green leaves and is native to Madagascar. This dragon tree has glossy deep green...
Air Plant (Tillsandia) Air Plant (Tillsandia)

Air Plant (Tillsandia)

Air plants have the ability to live entirely off of nutrients and moisture in the air in their native habitats. Tillandsia are often found in trees, nestled in the fork...

String of Pearls (Hanging)

Senecio rowleyanus is an intriguing house plant that is also know as String of pearls or String of Beads due to its cascading pea-like beads. The trailing string although they...

String Of Hearts (Hanging)

Ceropegia linearis woodii is also known as Chain of Hearts or Hearts on a String because the elegant foliage includes heart-shaped leaves. These are pink on the back and green...
Wax Plant (Hoya Linearis) Wax Plant (Hoya Linearis)

Wax Plant (Hoya Linearis)

Hoya linearis is an unusual house plant that is ideal in a hanging pot or it can trail over the edge of containers where it creates a 'wave' effect. Also...
Alocasia (Portodora) Alocasia (Portodora)

Alocasia (Portodora)

Alocosia Portodora has upright, glossy emerald green, lush tropical foliage. These tropical plants feature stunning foliage and can produce enormous heart shaped or arrow shaped leaves giving them their common...

Parlour Palm

Chamaedorea elegans, more commonly known as the Parlour palm originates from central America, but has been loved as a houseplant since Victorian times. Most often grown in small clumps this...
From £9.95
Philodendron (White Measure) Philodendron (White Measure)

Ponytail Palm

Beaucarnea recurvata, more commonly known as the Ponytail palm originates from the arid regions central America. This palm has long hair like green leaves emerging from the top of its...
From £9.95

Philodendron (Scandens Heart Leaf) - Hanging

This is a fast growing climber with glossy deep green leaves with very distinctive heart shape leaves that gets bigger as the plant grows. Perfect for trailing down the side...

Alocasia (Polly)

Alocasia Polly is otherworldly looking with its unique foliage. This Alocasia has deep green, waxy leaves with bold cream-colored lines. These tropical plants feature stunning foliage and can produce enormous...
From £11.95

Dolphin Plant (Senecio Peregrinus)

Senecio peregrinus - flying dolphins, dolphin necklace, dolphin plant - is a beautiful, succulent plant up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall with leaves that look like tiny, little dolphins...

Cast Iron Plant

A very popular plant due to its hardiness and lush green foliage. It is a brilliant choice for people with busy life or a dark spot in a room where...
From £33.95

Wax Plant (Hoya Carnosa Tricolour)

Hoya Carnosa 'Tricolor', is a great trailing or hanging house plant. It can eventually hang to about 1.2 metres or more. Hoya is a family of succulent vines and is...

Lipstick Plant (Rasta)

The Aeschynanthus Rasta plant originates from Asia where is lives in the humid forests as an epiphyte growing in nooks on trees and rocks. With trailing dark green curling leaves...

Monstera Monkey Mask

A close relative of the Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa), the Philodendron Monkey Mask is often also referred to as Philodendron or Monstera Obliqua, however a true Obliqua is more...

Lipstick Plant (Pink Polka Dot)

The Aeschynanthus Pink Polka plant originates from Asia where is lives in the humid forests as an epiphyte growing in nooks on trees and rocks.  With vibrant green leaves and...

Rubber Plant (Ficus Tineke)

Ficus Elastica ‘Tineke’ is a variegated ficus variety displaying dark and light green with creamy margins and pink stems. It requires little maintenance and is considered to be a good...