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The January blues are a well-known phenomenon.
It's January and the partying is well and truly over. For those at work, it is as if the festive fun never happened. What's more, the nights are still very long, the weather is chilly and the holidays probably seem a long way off. Most people who are working set off on their commute in the dark and come home after dark, so the winter can feel everlasting. Add into the mix the recent excesses of festive foods and of course over-spending, it's hardly surprising that people can feel depressed. Can't get out of bed? You might be suffering from the January bluesTaking control
There are plenty of ways you can take matters into hand and get motivated to enjoy all the delights of winter. Avoid the January blues by taking matters into your own hands. Are you missing something? Here's six suggestions:Wellbeing is not only about health.
It is highly influenced by thinking the right thoughts. You might feel like a victim of the January thoughts in your head, but you can take steps to control the pathways that lead to black holes. The thoughts that you dwell upon affect the way you look and feel.
Think the right thoughts and you can change the way you feel.
The main cause of dissatisfaction is the difference between how people want to behave and the reality of how they actually behave.
To sum up in a simple explanation, its the difference between asking why? (negative connotation) and enquiring how? (more pro-active).
Self-respect is an important aspect of feeling healthy in mind and body.
The foods that you eat also impact directly on mental health.
If you want to look and feel better in January, and indeed for the rest of the year, it is vital that you eat healthy foods and avoid heavily processed, sugary ingredients.
Healthy food promotes an active, happy mind and has a positive impact on the body too.
Physical activity definitely improves mood.
Movement helps to produce endorphins in the brain. These hormones travel around the nervous system and act as analgesics. They are often referred to as feel-good hormones and they can be generated by all sorts of activity from a simple brisk walk with the dog to vigorous digging in the garden. This is a great thing to do in January.
Exercise is good for both the mind and body.
Social activity has also been shown to improve mood disorders.
It might take effort to find the enthusiasm to interact with other people but the rewards are enormous.
Talking and socialising is good for you!
Go outside in winter!
Daylight really does help people. Getting out in the January daylight every single day, preferably for an hour but even a few minutes is better than nothing. Cold weather, rain or mist might not be very appealing but light does improve alertness, mood and many aspects of physiology.
You might not have time for a hike but you can at least have a five minute break.
How to improve the indoor environment
Feeling low? Studies have shown that having a tidy up and clear out indoors can reduce anxiety. Clearing clutter during January can have a really positive impact on mood. In fact it is said that the more possessions people acquire, the more joyless they feel.
This untidy room is enough to make anyone feel low! The thought of tackling an untidy home can be overwhelming. If this is the case it is best to start very simply. Take just one drawer or a corner of one room and make sure simple goals are set. There's nothing that feeds depression more than the feel of failure! Don't pile on the pressure to achieve too much too soon. Think in terms of weeks or months rather than hours or days. Clear one section at a time. Take unwanted things to charity shops or sell them on internet auction sites. Throw away the rubbish and donate useful things to schools or friends. Work on a reward system. When one room is cleared you can improve the interior. Move furniture around, smarten up the paintwork and treat yourself to a lovely house plant. It will clean toxins from the air and add to your new-found feeling of wellbeing.
Plants add so much to a tidy room. They become part of the interior design.