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Get inspired with new ideas for enhancing your space with plants.
Simple ideas for kids during National Children's Gardening Week, 25 May to 2 June! School holidays! It's that glorious time of year when the space at home can be extended outdoors. But here in the 21st century there's always going to be competition. The Internet beckons with its hugely addictive...
During RHS Chelsea Flower Show, which normally takes place during the month of May, it’s both likely and understandable that the majority of people either visiting or watching the show won’t ever own a garden that could be viewed as anywhere near similar to the gardens on display. This could feel a...
Once upon a time there was a modern house with a rectangular garden One day, during winter, new owners moved into the property and they took many days, weeks and months to decorate; put up shelves, purchase new furniture and technology and play with soft furnishings like children with Barbie...
Carefree conifers, should we love or hate this evergreen hedging and screening tree? Did you know that there are almost as many leylandii conifers in the UK as there are people? The numbers are estimated to be in the region of 55 million. That’s a lot of fuel to fire...
The 'no dig method' of gardening is a growing trend, try it before the main vegetable planting season arrives So, here we are, more than three quarters of the way through January already. Grow your own enthusiasts and those with an allotment will already be champing at the bit, eager...
Twitter, Tweets and wild birds in your garden. Is there a connection? We all know that a tweet is a sound coming from a bird, rather than characters originating from a digital device. Right? The majority of the younger generation wouldn't agree. Tweets are part of Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass,...
There's nothing you can do to stop winter coming - apart from moving to a different continent. When darkness descends, burying your head in the sand won't help. This is a guide to help you start the ball rolling. A garden-lover's kick-start on how to enjoy winter and the festive...
Are there alternatives to box, the highly popular small-leaved evergreen, Buxus sempervirens? Not every case of so-called box blightis actually that. Did you know that Buxus sempervirens is also affected by another little demon called Box tree moth? It can defoliate the shrub quite quickly, and is often first noticed...
If your garden is small... tiny even, you need to think BIG. Small can be both beautiful and better. Why? Because a small garden can be designed in a way that brings exactly what's wanted, without breaking the bank. It can also be micro-managed and maintained more...
Of all the scented, colourful and varied aromatic plants that you might choose to place in a sunny garden, Lavender is just about tops for popularity. It's small enough to squeeze into a courtyard, a balcony and even a window box. It will give you far more value than just about any...
A zest for citrus fruit? How easily do oranges, lemons and limes grow in the UK? They are, in fact, perfectly able to survive. There's something amazing about the sight of fresh, vibrant fruits growing boldly on even small sized plants. Grapefruits, particularly, are a sight to behold, weighing down...
There are many ways to try keeping cool during hot, dry and sunny weather. Some are obvious and others, less so. Garden umbrellas are probably the first line of defence. Put up several before the sun rises, and not only will the shade provide a mini-refuge, but the air...